在你的朋友圈裡,是不是都是由你擔任「領頭羊」的角色? 那些是你應該具備的「領導者」特質?■團體生活中的發電機Leaders are confident and help make everyone else feel more confident too. Leaders help solve problems and bring out the best in everyone. A good leader is important for every group. .inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 領導者對自己有信心,而且也會協助其他人建立信心。領導者幫助大家一起解決問題,並讓每個人都能發揮最大的潛力。領導者在團體裡扮演非常重要的角色。Photo by Myles Tan on Unsplash 分享 facebook ■要當領導者,不要當「老大」A boss commands others; a leader will ask questions and listen. A boss will tell other people their ideas, but a leader helps people think of ideas. A boss tells you to “Go! Go! Go!” A leader says, “Let’s go!” 老大命令別人;領導者提問和傾聽他人。老大告訴別人他的想法;領導者幫助他人發想想法。老大要你「加油、加油再加油」;領導者說「我們一起加油」。■沒有「天縱英才」這回事Being a good leader doesn’t mean you have to be super smart. A good leader can see the best parts of the people around them. They ask for help when they need it. They also do their best to help others when they know how. You don’t need to be a genius to do that! 領導者非得必須絕頂聰明。好的領導者看得到旁人的優點。需要別人幫忙時,領導者不怕伸手求援。別人需要幫忙時,領導者也會傾力協助。領導者未必都是天才。■練出你的領導力Where do leaders come from? Are they just born that way? It turns out most leaders make themselves. Quiet introverted people, talkative extroverted people—it doesn’t matter. We all have the ability to be a leader. It just takes practice and a little determination. 領導者是怎麼來的?是天生的嗎?其實,很多領導者都是「養成」的。安靜、內向也好,愛說話、外向也罷,這些都不是領導者特質的重點。每個人都有能力可以成為領導者,但還需要多一點練習以及多一點決心,才能具備領導者的條件。■四大生活習慣,領導者從小做起事有輕重緩急 First things first. The best leaders know you finish your work before you can have fun. 最好的領導者清楚知道,正事要先做完,大夥才能開始玩樂。擬定計畫 Have a plan. Think about the end goal when you start anything you do. 開始做任何事情之前,就先設定目標。在工作與玩樂之間取得平衡 Balance your work time with play time. All work and no play makes anyone and everyone sad! 只有工作、沒有玩樂,這樣會讓大家不開心。開口前,先傾聽 Listen before you talk. The best leaders hear everyone’s opinions and ideas first. 最好的領導者,會優先聽取團隊成員的想法和意見。■ 道地說英語boss around使喚來、使喚去boss 當名詞時,意思是「老闆」, 當動詞時,常跟around 一起使用。例如“Don’t boss me around.”意思是要求對方不要像老闆一樣,把你使喚來、使喚去。call the shots當家作主、做決定字面解釋是「下令開槍」,引伸為拍板定案、做最後決定。?confident充滿信心的?solve problems 解決問題?genius 天才?quiet 安靜的?introverted 內向的?talkative 愛講話的?extroverted 外向的?balance A with B 在A和B之間求取平?專題企畫、中文翻譯╱田成方英文撰稿╱Sloan Sabbith(本文轉載自【新一代兒童週報】027期)

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