(影音內容建議利用 Firefox、Google Chrome 瀏覽器,方能觀賞最佳內容) 對你而言,成功的定義是什麼呢?一定要賺大錢、有名氣,還是獲得眾人敬仰、有著高高在上的聲望呢?成功可以很簡單,但其實還有比成功更重要的事情喔,看看影片告訴我們,有哪些事情比成功還重要吧。 #div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 iframe { margin:auto; display: block; }

#div-gpt-ad-1503996040247-0 > div { margin: auto; display: block !important; }如果你有照影片說的,去查查字典上 success「成功」的定義的話,你可能會發現有些字跟它長得好像,我們今天挑出大家常常會搞混的六個字,一舉突破大家的盲點! 分享 facebook 跟成功有關◎ success 成功這個字是名詞,因此你可以這樣用:Success and happiness are two different things. Some people have achieved a lot, but they still aren’t happy.(成功跟快樂是兩件不同的事情。有些人成就很高,但他們仍然不開心。)◎ succeed 成功這是動詞,要接受詞的話,就需搭配介係詞 in。After years of treatment, he finally succeeded in conquering cancer.(在多年的治療過後,他終於成功戰勝癌症。)◎ successful 成功的Bill Gates is considered to be a successful entrepreneur, and his hard work has really inspired me.(比爾.蓋茲被視為一位成功的企業家,而他的努力真的很激勵我。)與繼承、接續有關◎ successive 連續的、繼承的這是形容詞喔,你可以說:We’ve had five successive murders these three months, and everyone in town is scared and anxious. (我們這三個月已經有連續五起謀殺案了,鎮上每一個人都既害怕又焦慮。)◎ successor 接續的事物、繼承者要注意雖然這個字是在 success 後面加上 -or 字尾,但它絕對不是指「成功的人」喔,舉個例子:The fact that the prince is not the successor to the throne is shocking news to all of us.(王子竟然不是王位的繼承人,這對我們所有人來說是一件很震驚的新聞。)◎ succession 接續、繼承權當作「接續」解釋的時候,有這幾種用法很常見:in succession「接
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續地」、a succession of「一連串」。A succession of natural disasters damaged the village badly.(一連串的自然災害重創了那個村莊。)He stayed awake two nights in succession.(他連續兩個晚上都失眠。)【更多精采內容,詳見《希平方》】

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